A Diminutive Beauty – Is the Yorkshire Terrier Right for You?

Who wouldn’t fall in love with this frisky, lively, bright and loving diminutive beauty. A lover of comfort, the Yorkshire Terrier enjoys cuddling on laps and snuggling into soft pillows. They are commonly called excellent companion dogs, well-known for their small size and perky personalities.

If you are one of those who can’t resist this little bundle of fur and are planning to get one, it is important to know the breed completely before jumping in.

There are two kinds of Yorkie, one that is vigorous and another that is a delicate toy dog. However, the relationship an owner has with an individual dog will depends a lot on the way he or she views him.

Yorkshire Terrier, a BrightActive and FriskyAthletic and Loving dog breed. Find out if this is the right breed for you.

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Couch Potato Dog Breeds

8 of Our Favorite Couch Potato Dog Breeds

It is a common knowledge that regular exercise is good for both dogs’ and people’s health. However, the amount of a workout one truly desires can vary as greatly between dog breeds as it does among individual humans.

Therefore, finding a pet whose energy level is compatible with your own can be the difference between a good relationship and one that quickly sours.

For those folks seeking a pet with low exercise requirements, the list below might be of help.

Read about our 8 favourite couch potato dog breeds:

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The Top Tail Wagger – Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was Born to be Friendly

These friendly little lap dogs were once pampered royal pets, yet they are anything but snobs. Gregarious and lovable, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels just want to spend time having fun with their families. These energetic dogs are exceptionally well suited for apartment life and active families with older child.

You could sum up the Cavalier King Charles Spaniels with these five words: Playful, Adaptable, Fearless, Patient & Affectionate.

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Formidable Guard with a Devoted Heart – Is the Rottweiler Right For You?

Descended from Roman guardian breeds, it is no surprise that the modern Rottweiler makes an effective police dog in various countries throughout the world. However, these dogs continue to be among the most popular canine breeds currently recognized by the American Kennel Club and they remain popular as family pets.


If you are thinking of getting a Rottweiler then here are some points that are worth taking into consideration: Read more

The Best Dog Breeds for Apartment Living

Many prospective dog owners don’t have the large country estates that many breeds seem to favour. However, the lack of square footage is not necessarily a deterrent to having a pet. There are quite a number of breeds that will get along perfectly fine in an apartment.

In fact, here are some of the best dog varieties for apartments. The breeds listed below tend to be quiet dogs that behave in a friendly fashion towards unfamiliar people, but their other characteristic are as varied as their physical appearances.

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Chewing couch

Best Affordable Dog Toys For Strong Chewers

Whether your dog is a pit bull puppy that simply must have massive toys due to his size or a sweet little sheltie that shreds toys in five seconds flat and looks as befuddled as you do when they fall apart, you’re clearly dealing with a strong chewer.

It doesn’t matter what size a dog is when it dawns on you that the ordinary cheap or cuddly toys just won’t do the trick. Of course, it helps if your dog doesn’t passionately hate squeakers to the point she tears up any toy with that feature just to get rid of them.

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