
Running and Biking Dogs

Let’s Exercise – Dogs For Running and Biking

If you are searching for the best running or biking partner, look no further than your canine buddy. When it comes to exercise, you can’t think of a better workout partner than a dog. It is always a good idea to have someone to workout with, because exercising in pair means a lot more motivation and this way you will gain routine in your training program. Your friends, family, and neighbors can make you company sometimes, but your four legged friend will always be more than happy to workout with you whether you are running or biking. Dogs are, without a doubt, the most reliable training partners – they are never tired and they don’t have headaches when it’s time to go out.

Running and Biking DogBefore starting the training program it is recommended to visit a vet for consultation because not every dog breed is suitable for running the distance. Some breeds like retrievers, terriers or shepherds are definitely better for running than others. Pugs and bulldogs are not built as athletes because they overheat quickly. Also, if you live in a cold climate, the best choice for training partner would be some long coated Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky and Seppala Siberian Sled dog. All those breeds are naturally well-equipped for snow and their endurance is quite remarkable. If they can pull sled in freezing winters, they won’t have problems accompanying you on a bike.

As you have to know your potential, you should know the potential of your dog as well. Your training should go progressively, exercise your way up. Keep in mind that your dog doesn’t have sneakers for running but pads which will toughen over time and miles. Instead of retractable leashes, use leather leash (from 3 to 6 foot long) to provide the proper range between you and your dog.

Among dog breeds there are long distance runners and fast sprinters who can push the tempo real hard. If you are more of a marathon person, the breed who can run side by side with you is German Shepherd. Big heart, powerful legs and eagerness to run make this dog a perfect choice for you. Remember to bring right amount of water in a plastic bottle and a little dish, so both of you can stay hydrated. German Shepherds can be used for quick pace and for 10 miles runs. Doberman Pinscher has similar attributes.

Golden Retrievers belong to the group of humble dogs and if properly trained they won’t be distracted by surroundings, which makes them a great company while biking. Another people-oriented, non-aggressive dog is Border Collie, perfect for long and heavily used trails. Breeds that are literally built for speed are Greyhounds, athletic Pit bulls, Beagles, Vizslas, English Setters, Jack Russell Terrier (can be distracted easily by other dogs), German shorthaired pointers, American Staffordshire Terrier (always focused, won’t chase squirrels) and Airedale Terrier. A muscular body and energy make these dogs excellent companions for faster runs – 7 minute miles or more.