
Cats vs Dogs - Which is The Ideal Pet

Cats vs Dogs – Which is The Ideal Pet?

Cats vs Dogs - Which is The Ideal PetCats or dogs? What makes an ideal pet? The truth is that it depends on a person. Recent studies show that people who have pets are much healthier than those who don’t. for that reason, if you can, you should definitely get a pet, just choose the one that best suits your needs.

Choosing a cat as a pet is a big decision. You should consider whether or not it will fit into your life style. Keep in mind that for the next 15 years or so it will be a part of your life and family, which means a lot of great time and fun, but also a lot of obligations.
Both cats and dogs have their pros and cons; it is up to you to decide which one works for you the best.
Some say cats are the best pets, so let’s see why. They are easily litter box trained; sometimes no training is required at all. You just pour the sand in a wide box and that’s it. They’ll remember its location almost immediately, and if they don’t – just show them a few times or dig in the sand a bit to get their attention. They are great if you live in an apartment because they are very clean. When it comes to moulting, brushing and washing it all depends. For instance, short-haired cats don’t require bathing (except for emergencies) because they are able to maintain their own fur. The problem may arise between your furniture and the cat, so if you don’t want the cat to win – get a scratching post!

As you can see, cats are small, quiet, cute and cuddly, but what makes dog ideal?
We all know the saying “Dog is a man’s best friend” and it is – you have a friend, someone to talk to and walk with. Regular walking improves the fitness of dog owners, as well as social interaction since you can make friends with other dog owners. Walks help you forget the stress of the everyday life giving you time to spend with your most loyal friend. He will also fill you with warmth of the unconditional love. Dog owners also have a stronger immune system which helps them fight the disease easily. People with dogs also have lower blood pressure compared to people who don’t, and have a much higher survival rate after a heart attack.

Apart from this, don’t forget that dogs are very entertaining, they can make you laugh, especially if you had a bad day, they are also there for an encouraging hug, if you need one. You’ll be equally happy to spend your free time playing with your pet in a park or simply resting at home, enjoying the company of one another. And the love you give him, the dog will return to you tenfold.

Both dogs and cats give a lot of love and warmth but they also require attention; have certain dietary and other needs so don’t just think about what you like and need, think about whether or not you can provide what they crave. And, have fun with your new pet!


Cute cats – a household pet

Cute Cats – A Household Pet

Cute cats – a household petCats are very independent and resourceful animals, as well as gentle, cuddly and cute. But they are also strong and ruthless as hunters.

Here are a few things you should know about this amazing household pet.
Cats are the best pets for neat persons as they are that way themselves. They spend hours on grooming in order to get rid of all the dirt and odors. When it comes to bowel movements, they are also extremely clean as they burry their excrement even after being only three weeks old. You should always keep the kitty litter clean so the cat doesn’t find another place to do its business, especially if you have more than one cat.

A cat can be perfectly happy in an apartment but if you have a possibility, make sure your cat has at least occasional outings so she could enjoy her natural habitat. As cute as they can be, due to their wild side cats can sometimes give your furniture a new pattern, therefore in order to keep your furnishing, make sure your pet has some scratching and climbing space. Whether you’re buying or making a scratching post, have fun with it and use your imagination.
A cat is a carnivore and hunter and you must accept it as such. The selection of cat food is great so choose according to your cat’s size, health, food quality (share of meet, flavor enhancers) and of course your budget and most certainly not because of a cute cat on the commercial. If you feed your cat with the food you have prepared at home, remember that it’s a carnivore and don’t give milk to an adult cat.

Many cat owners ponder about neutering. If you live in a city, there are many reasons for it. Although they are very cute, we most certainly don’t want them breeding uncontrollably. We also want to prevent cat’s offspring from winding up in the wrong hands, stray, and get sick or hurt. This way you can also prevent many diseases caused by unnatural refraining from mating which many un-neutered cats develop. Another way to keep your furniture and apartment clean and odorless is to get your cat neutered. This way, they won’t mark their territory, stray and get into fights with other cats where they can get hurt or even killed.

Cats are, without a doubt, amazing pets. We like to watch them, spoil them and play with them. There is no greater pleasure for cat lovers than spending the night home enjoying the relaxing sound of a purring cat. The relaxing effect on the cat owners is not just an anecdote; there have also been studies that confirm it. They show that pet owners live a happier and healthier life than those who don’t have pets.

Cats are extremely fun, and most of them remain that way for the rest of their life, even though they like to act all serious and calm. Full of life, a bit wild, cats are intriguing and they will turn every house into a home.