
facts about cats

10 Interesting Facts About Cats

What are the 10 Interesting Facts About Cats?

10 Interesting Facts about catsEvery ailurophile – person who likes cats, a cat fancier – enjoys every moment spent in company of these surprising and cute creatures. Having a cat as your beloved pet can be rewarding, but cats can be unforeseeable, so it is very important to educate yourself about the habits and nature of your cat. Here are some interesting facts you probably don’t know about one of, if not the most, popular pet in the world.

1. Which pet is more popular – cat or dog? According to the APPMA (American Pet Products Manufacturers Association) there are over 73 million cats living in the U.S. homes, while the number of dogs reaches 68 million. This interesting information shows that cats won not by a hair’s breadth – but 5 million hairs.

2. We all know the fact about cat’s skillfulness and their ability to always land on their feet, daring to spit into the face of the natural laws of physics. A research undertaken by the American Medical Veterinary Association showed incredible facts. A survival rate of the cats falling from heights ranging from 2 to 32 stories is 90%, which is unbelievable. Even more interesting is that cats falling from 20 or 30-story building will suffer fewer injuries than those falling from the lower heights.

3. Cats sleep two thirds of the day – lazy maggots! Basic mathematics shows that 12 years old cat spent 8 years sleeping. Almost every cat has a special napping place. Cats can sleep up to 16 hours a day. As a matter of fact, only bats and opossums are greater sleepers.
4. Amusing fact about meowing is that only little kitten meows at its mother, while adult cat only meows at humans. You’ll never hear it meowing at other cats or animals. Meowing is a privilege reserved exclusively for humans.

5. One of the many reasons for having cats is a fact that cat owners are less likely to have a heart attack than other people. Also, kids have fewer chances of developing asthma when cat is around.

6. Don’t be surprised or disgusted if your cat brings dead pray to your house. Scientists agree that this cat’s gesture is their basic instinct to bring food for kittens. If you see a dead bird or mouse in your home, consider it a gift.

7. Many studies confirmed that cats have emotions similar to human such as happiness, sadness, frustration, jealousy, excitement, anxiety, affection, fear and contentment. Cats are even capable to pick up your mood.

8. In a period of just seven years a pair of breeding cats, along with their kittens, can produce more than 400,000 offspring. They are true baby machines!

9. Cat bites can be dangerous and toxic. Estimated number of people bitten by these animals in the United States is 40,000 every year. A wound from a cat bite can cause major bacterial infection.

10. Cats can be trained to use the toilet and even to flush when they are finished. That is good news for cat owners who find it hard to get rid of cat litter.

10 Dog Facts

10 Interesting Facts About Dogs

Here are the 10 Interesting Facts About Dogs

This friendship between dogs and men lasts for more than 15,000 years or from the moment the dogs were first domesticated by cavemen in the Paleolithic Age. Today, humans live side by side with more than 700 types of pure bred dogs in the world. According to statistics, estimated number of canines in the world is around 400 millions. Here are some interesting facts about dogs that most of the owners should know.

1. Dogs descend from wolves. Approximately 15,000 years ago dogs diverged from their ancestors – wolves. In the year 1993 dogs were classified as a subspecies of the grey wolf (Canis Lupus).

2. Dogs have amazingly good sense of smell. While humans have around 5 million smell-sensitive cells, dogs have 40 times more, nearly 220 million. With powerful sense of smell, dogs can determine odors at concentration level that is 100 times lower than any man can sense. That’s why many dogs are used for finding missing persons or illegal materials such as drugs, bombs and explosive. Studies show that some dogs can even smell our diseases. Four legged buddy can be the first to notice thet you have cancer, epilepsy or diabetes.

3. Dogs have an incredibly good hearing. Once again, dogs are far better than humans in detecting sounds. Dog’s ear can catch frequency range from 40 Hz up to 60,000 Hz. Their amazing hearing capacity is helped by head muscles which can detect exact position of the source of the sound. That’s why some dogs have ears like rabbit and they use them as radar. Also, dogs can hear ultrasonic sounds.

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